A4 oil with gold leaf on canvas panel
21×29,7 cm
Inspired by the HERD elephants
Read more about the Elephants at HERD (Hoedspruit Elephant Rehabilitation and Development)
In 2019, South Africa’s first dedicated elephant orphanage was built alongside the Jabulani herd homestead. In 2021 the HERD trust was established. The initiative provides a safe place to care for and rehabilitate orphaned elephants from the often traumatic or near-fatal challenges that have caused them to be abandoned until they can be integrated into the welcoming Jabulani herd. Guests that stay at Jabulani contribute to the operational costs of HERD. They also have the opportunity to be a part of the elephants’ journey, by learning more about them, and their individual personalities and stories, and witnessing them in the wilderness of the reserve.